Helping lead the Discipleship Journey is one aspect of our work;
this web page is also a convenient place to share a bit more about us...
— Tim and Aubrey
Aubrey graduated from Webster University, and I (Tim) graduated from Washington University in St. Louis in 2001. God transformed our lives while we were college students, and we became full-time campus ministers with Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ) after graduating. From 2011 to 2018, we gave leadership to the Cru campus ministry team and the twenty-five campuses where we launched ministries. During that time, in order to become a more effective minister of the Gospel, I also completed a Master of Divinity at Covenant Seminary. In 2018, although we still have a heart for college students, we began serving with Cru City, which takes Cru distinctives of Gospel ministry to meet the needs of major cities. Cru City is thriving in many major U.S. cities, and Aubrey and I are pioneering it here in St. Louis. What is our specific vision for how to help reach St. Louis for Christ?
“Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” — Matthew 28:18-20
Our prayer and aim is to:
Help St. Louis churches grow in personal evangelism and discipleship
Help St. Louis Christians abide in Jesus daily and develop deep gospel relationships
Help St. Louis non-Christians know someone seeking to share Jesus with them
Anyone, anywhere who requests help with these endeavors
The highest motivation for these efforts is seen in the life of Jesus for “when he saw the crowds, he had compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.” People desperately need Jesus, the Good Shepherd!
Tim and Aubrey Dorsch
12852 Castleton Ct
St. Louis, MO 63141
Our family and work are 100% financially supported by recurring donations from individuals, churches, and organizations. One-time or special gifts are also very helpful and are appreciated. All gifts go directly into our personal staff account, which funds our salary, medical expenses, and personal work expenses.
If you feel led to help, we would be immensely grateful! If not, that’s okay, too! :) Details:
Giving Online
Due to simplicity, this is the option that most of our financial partners now choose. You can make a recurring or one-time gift from a bank account or credit card at (you don’t have to create an account). Click the “Give a Gift” button on that page.
Giving by Phone Call or Texting
Call 1-888-278-7233 to give a recurring or one-time gift from a bank account or credit card. Or you can text “Tim Dorsch” to the number 71326 and follow the prompts.
Giving by Mail
You can make a one-time gift or give on a recurring basis by writing checks.
Giving by Donor-Advised Funds, Stock & Non-Cash Gifts, IRA Charitable Rollover, Employer Gift Matching, and Planned Giving
For more details, visit, call 1-888-278-7233, or ask us for help. You will need to provide our names and/or Cru account, #0524580.
One-time Gift
1. Make check payable to "Cru."
2. Include a note that reads: To Tim and Aubrey Dorsch, Staff#: 0524580.
3. Send check and note to:
PO Box 628222
Orlando, FL 32862
Recurring Gifts by Setting Up a Direct Giving Plan
When you set up a Direct Giving Plan, your gift will be transferred directly each month from your bank account or credit card to Cru and then to our personal staff account. A record of each gift will appear on your bank or credit card statement. The easiest way to set this up is by going to If you'd like to set up a Direct Giving Plan by mail, please let contact us for more information.
Recurring Gifts “Manually”
Follow the instructions above for giving a one-time gift. You will receive a receipt for your first gift and any subsequent gifts. With each receipt, you will also receive an envelope for giving your next gift. Then, give at any interval that you would like.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is my gift tax-deductible?
A: Yes. You will receive a receipt in the mail.
Q: Does my gift go directly to you (Tim and Aubrey)?
A: We have our own account within Cru. It is #0524580. All gifts marked for us go directly to our account. This account funds our salary, medical expenses, and personal work expenses. Cru operates with integrity, recently ranked #25 for all U.S. charitable giving, and is in the 90th+ percentile of Forbes’ Fundraising Efficiency.
Q: Will you know that I have given you a gift?
A: Yes. We receive updates regarding gifts given to us.